Is unaware of this behavior, there may be confusion. Eventually everything will get built, but if the user When the rule is run from multiple targets race conditions can occur on Source can have only one rule no matter how many projects it is added to.

VS runs the rules for every source file in the target, and a When performing parallel builds it is possible for the custom buildĬommand to be run more than once and in parallel causing cryptic buildĮrrors. Things can happen if the CUDA source file is added to multiple targets. This allows the user to build the target from the CUDA file however, bad Turn OFF if you add the same cuda file to multiple Set to ON if you want the custom build rule to be attached to the sourceįile in Visual Studio. CUDA_ATTACH_VS_BUILD_RULE_TO_CUDA_FILE (Default: ON) If you compile to PTX and then load theįile yourself, you can mix bit sizes between device and host.
Or C files from CUDA code just won't work, because size_t gets defined by Note that making this different from the host code when generating object
Set to ON to compile for 64 bit device code, OFF for 32 bit device code. Or cuda_wrap_srcs(): CUDA_64_BIT_DEVICE_CODE (Default: host bit size) Note that any of these flags can beĬhanged multiple times in the same directory before callingĬuda_add_executable(), cuda_add_library(), cuda_compile(),Ĭuda_compile_ptx(), cuda_compile_fatbin(), cuda_compile_cubin() The following variables affect the behavior of the macros in the Matches what is needed by the CUDA runtime version.
Included with the graphics driver - be sure that the driver version In newer versions of the toolkit the CUDA library is Platforms, or to use a CUDA runtime not installed in the default It might be necessary to set CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR manually on certain You change the value of CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR, various components that usr/local/cuda) or set CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR after configuring. To useĪ different installed version of the toolkit set the environment variableĬUDA_BIN_PATH=/usr/local/cuda1.0 instead of the default

Path and REQUIRED is specified to find_package(). The prefix cannot be determined by the location of nvcc in the system The script will prompt the user to specify CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR if And it's been able to do everything that we've needed to do through not only here locally but even across the network and being able to do live feeds and live videos and handle all the things has just been exceptional.This script makes use of the standard find_package() arguments of We have not had near as many issues with crashes or any problems like that. We were a little hesitant at first because of the cost, but after that it's been well worth the cost. One of the recommendations I would give is to at least give ProPresenter a try. And it's just been really easy as everything is prepared and then a volunteer comes in and literally just runs it and it works really well.

So we have different volunteers that like to do things different ways but it all works together well. And one of the nice things that we like about ProPresenter are sometimes there are multiple ways to do different things.

It was very user-friendly, all of our volunteers learned it very quickly. ProPresenter was so simple to integrate into our church. And then also we were able to mix in audio tracks directly through ProPresenter that worked with our band as well. Also had a ProRemote feature that we use when we didn't have always the necessary volunteers. Also, it had some features such as a stage display that we were needing to use that worked well with our band. Also, we do a lot of live video feeds and a lot of heavy graphics and videos and so ProPresenter seem to handle that a lot better.
Some of the reasons that we chose ProPresenter was that we were making some changes across our network and using Mac computers and ProPresenter was a lot more friendly and works with Mac better. And we had actually used that for a little bit, but it was not as user-friendly as we were liking and we were having some issues with crashing and not being able to handle the graphics and the videos that we were needing to use. One of the other softwares that we looked at was MediaShout. Micah S.: Hello, my name is Micah and I am a location pastor.